must-know things

Revered as a backpacker’s haven Ella has a lot to offer visitors from all corners of the globe. One thing all tourist heading to this holiday capital in the hills should know is that it is one the smaller towns in the region and as such is home to a tiny post office and a single bank.

Those in search of ATMs and the like will find that the bank is one of the few ATM equipped establishments in the vicinity unless one venture down to nearby town, Badulla. Most visitors are also unaware that the best way to reach Ella is by rail. Offering scenic views of the Sri Lankan hill capital and other verdant precincts along the way, this off-beat route provides travellers with an immersive look at the country’s mountainous region. Rail fares to Ella are not only inexpensive but unbelievably low when compared to other means of travel. Those who prefer to travel by road can drive up to Ella or take the direct bus to Ella from the Fort Bus Station in Colombo.

As Ella is home to only a few hostels, hotels and resorts, it is important to reserve accommodation in advance to avoid disappointment. Those who wish to engage in hiking and trekking activities in the area should prepare for the harmless leaches that commonly inhabit all forested reaches of Ella. Wearing socks and sneakers over flip-flops is, therefore, highly recommended.


Crazy Tuk Fares

Learn a Few Local Words

Ella in 24 Hours

Hiking Essentials

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly